Christian Bloggers International
Start 2021 with More Traffic and More Sales
Sign Up for January Draw Your Crowd Challenge Today
Are you selling from a kiosk?
I have a question for you. If Steve Jobs had sold Iphones from a kiosk at the end of a small mall in Tiny Town, USA, how many would he have sold?
The Answer: Not Many!
At least, not the Millions he sold.
You can have the sharpest, most info-packed website – with the greatest products. But if people don’t come to it, it won’t be successful… And they have to know that you are there to be able to come.
It will be like you selling from that kiosk!
So the goal is to let them know about you
– and get them to come!
But wait. There’s More…
You don’t care about people coming who don’t appreciate your product.
You want YOUR CROWD to come. So here comes:
Draw Your Crowd Challenge
With some of the best techniques for drawing your crowd – your customers – your friends – to your products
Immediately you can download your copy of Draw Your Crowd E-Book
♦ 66 Info-Packed Pages
♦ Secrets of Creating Great Content
♦ How to be Found on Search Engines
♦ Best Social Media Practices
♦ How to Establish Your Brand
♦ How to Use Paid Advertising
♦ And More
Everyone who purchases
gets invited to participate in the January 2021
Draw Your Crowd Challenge!!
30 Days to More Traffic and a Bigger List!