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These are some sites which have great PLR materials. Very well written. Browse through these sites, and you will find some material for articles and E-books.
Note: Even when the material is well written, you will want to give it your own voice – and add some of your ideas.
One site is devoted to Christian topics.
DailyFaithPLR.com Christian Faith Blog Posts, Articles, and Packages
Most are related to Business, Self Development, or Health
In these categories you will find lots of good material concerning time management, overcoming procrastination, developing clients, and other topics.
You’ll also find topics such as development of a good mindset.
AllPrivateLabelContent.com Mostly Business related content
PiggyMakesBank.com Business, Self Help, Health and Wellness
WhiteLabelPerks.com Business and Self Help
PublishForProsperity.com Business, Personal Development
Items to help you Grow Your Email List
Toolsformotivation.com Personal Development
Packages for Coaches. Monthly planning with webinars, checklists, blog posts and much more.