Do Your Customers Trust You?

It’s a well-known fact that people like to do business with people that they know, like, and trust.

So every now and then we have to take a personal inventory. How do we measure up?

When I think about this concept, I almost break out into laughter, because I am reminded of one of my favorite all-time businesses.

Are you ready?

A tire store. Mac’s Tire Store in Tupelo, Mississippi. Let me tell you about that store.

You may have heard that my husband and I lived in Mississippi for about 25 years. We had some wonderful times while there, and I loved the area.

However, there were a couple of times when I would suddenly find my tire low in air, and I wouldn’t know what to do about it. (It seemed that Mickey was out of town or in a business meeting when those times came).Could it be fixed easily, or was it serious? I certainly didn’t know.

So I would take my car to Mac’s and confidently wait with my cup of coffee in hand and a pleasant magazine to browse.

I was confident because I knew these people. Their service would be quick and first rate. They would do a good job, and they woudn’t try to sell me something that I didn’t need. In fact, once I went in thinking that we needed new tires and they talked me out of it!

Now that’s my kind of a store!

It’s funny because I don’t even care about cars. Much less tires. But when I was in trouble, I knew these people would help me. They came to my rescue, and I was incredibly grateful.

The kind of trust that Mac’s had with me (and others), didn’t come over night. They had worked at building their business on a strong foundation of integrity and friendliness. They knew that most  people think of tires as an unpleasant necessity, and so they worked at making the experience at their store to be the best it could be.

Have you thought about this element in your business lately? I have. Every now and then, I like to take a step back and look at this issue. How trustworthy do my customers see me?

I think that this is even more important for online businesses. Since people can’t see us and talk with us face to face, it’s even more important to convince them that they can trust the products and courses they buy from us. They need to know that we understand their needs and concerns and help them meet those needs.

I’m determined to build my own business around the same concepts which made Mac’s so great.

The following points to improve your trust ranking and build better relationships in your business. They can also be used to regain trust too.

  • Understanding and Empathy – try to look for things that you have in common with people and then build trust from there.
  • Being Honest and Open – don’t be scared to show your true emotions and viewpoints. Of course be receptive to other people’s opinions too.
  • Be Genuine – show people that you care.
  • Have Respect – you need to respect yourself and others and treat people as equal. Do not blame or criticize anyone or make them feel guilty.
  • Listening – really pay attention to what someone is saying and demonstrate that you understand them. All it takes is a quick nod in agreement to achieve this and trust will quickly build.
  • Best Interests – learn how to take other people’s interests into account, not just your own. Look for solutions so that everyone becomes a winner.
  • Being Reliable – when you promise to do something, follow through and get the task done. Don’t make promises that you have no intention of keeping.

Think about how you can take these principles and apply them to your business practices. If you promised to look into something for a customer, actually follow through and do so. Even if you don’t locate what it was they were looking for, at least you made the effort and tried. This will no doubt be totally appreciated by them and helps build trust and respect.

Sometimes mistakes happen or you sell or refer a product that isn’t suitable. When this happens be honest and tell your customers or clients that you made a mistake. This helps demonstrate solid business practices along with trust.

If you truly want to run a business with honesty, integrity and trust then take steps to build relationships with everyone you meet on a day to day. Be personable. Open.

One of the best ways to build trust is to write a book. Share your life. Your stories. Your point of view.

For material to help you get started, check this out.

In the meantime, Keep on Soaring!