Many people start their home based businesses with tremendous excitement and delight. Yet after some time on the job, they may start experiencing second thoughts and discouragement.

They find themselves tired of the business and burned out.

Being burned out is no fun. It’s especially no fun if you are a self-employed solopreneur! You need to stay on-the-ball in order to run your business successfully.

The best way to overcome this energy and productivity sapper, is to take steps to overcome it before it happens. So let’s look at some ways to do that.

Okay, let’s be honest. You love your work. You know that your mission is important, and you are thrilled to be helping people as you move ahead. (And, of course, you celebrate as the money begins to flow in).

Yet anything which we do day in and day out – with no breaks – will get tiresome from time to time. That’s why we need to focus on avoiding this before it happens.

So here are a few things to avoid.

  1. Taking on Too Much Work –

When you are just starting out, you are so happy to get any work at all that you can’t imagine too much ever coming your way.

Yet after you’ve been in business for awhile, this can happen. And it’s a trap for countless solopreneurs.  Often this is driven by the fear that at some point, they won’t have orders coming in. So they take on a huge amount of work whenever it’s available

The irony is that this tends to result in poor quality work, which actually means they’re more likely to lose clients!

2. Oversleeping –

What’s that? Sleeping too much can cause burnout?

It might sound surprising, but if you start work late then you will quickly enter into a vicious cycle. You will start late – and end late – thus having your work go into the night and onto your days off.

This is a hazard  especially if you are single and don’t have the family time table to help you stay on a more regular routine.

Be strict with yourself, ask others to help, and make sure you get an early night.

Find ways to help yourself maintain regular hours. A cup of Camomile Tea to help you get to sleep. And leaving the curtains open lightly when you go to sleep. Thus when you wake up in the morning. the natural sunlight will prompt you to get up and not go back to sleep.

Even little habits can make a routine more doable – and life lots easier.

3. Others’ Disrespect for Your Work

It’s interesting that if you work in an office, others don’t think that you are available at all times. They respect your office commitment. However, if you are working from home, many think that you are available at all times.

This is a common problem solopreneurs have to address.

People don’t mean this in a condescending way. Yet many people will think that being your own boss means you can be at their beck and call at any time of day.

Let’s go shopping. Let’s go to lunch. Let me tell you the latest gossip.

Or if you have children at home, it’s even more difficult.

It takes willpower to have a schedule which works – and one which avoids this random free time mentality.

Having a schedule of certain times for concentrated work and other times for taking calls helps you stay on track.

Eventually others will recognize your routine and will be more likely to honor it.

4. Not switching off

This is a huge risk you face as a solopreneur.

When you work from home, your work can become your life to the point where you can’t seem to switch it off. It’s always there. Always in your mind. Always demanding concentration.

It’s quite common for anyone to finish work and then realize that there was something they forgot to do, But for most people, they will plan to do it first thing the next morning. The difference for you is that you can go and rectify that mistake right away.

That can be a hazard. You need time off. You need to forget about your work and enjoy other aspects of your life.

It takes discipline to put your work aside – and enjoy your leisure time. But your spiritual time, your family time, and your leisure time are significant to a healthy life.

It might make it easier when you realize that playing is a responsibility!

So there you have a few things which can cause burnout. They basically come down to scheduling times for work and times for play. They also involve knowing your limitations and not overloading yourself with too much work.

Through prayer and planning, you can find a plan and a schedule which works for you and allows you to maximize your impact while enjoying your work.

Avoiding burnout can lead to many years of enjoyable productivity.