Once you have people signed up to your list, you want to treat them with great respect. Let them know how much you appreciate them.

One way to do this is through lead nurturing email campaigns. These are personalized and automated emails sent to subscribers throughout their journey with your business.

These emails provide value to your customers – and at the same time, maximize the potential of your list and ensure its sustainability.

It’s about not neglecting the leads you worked so hard to get in the first place. Statistics show that it costs a lot more time and money to find new leads than to nurture those you already have.

Here are a few tips for creating lead nurturing email campaigns:

Start With a Welcome Email Series

The moment someone opts in, you should thank them and introduce yourself. This should provide a basic overview of your values and your business goals. You don’t want to start with a long, drawn-out email. This would overwhelm them.

This is also a great moment to encourage your customers to reply by asking them a few questions about themselves and what kind of problems they are dealing with. Make the readers feel like they made the right decision to opt-in. Let them know that you are interested in them and their success.

Create Weekly and Monthly Newsletters or Updates

Keep your readers up-to-date on trending topics, news, and updates within your business and industry.

Please don’t use these messages to sell. Instead, use them to educate and get your readers more engaged in other communities such as your Facebook Group. Tell your audience about new products or services you are working on and any additional valuable information they can use.

When you continue to provide value to your customers, they will want to stay in touch.

Send Segmented Promotional and Educational Campaigns

Use birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates and information to your advantage.

List segmentation allows you to send more personalized messages and education to those who care about your content. It also allows you to tailor and target your message better, as no two readers will be the same or on the same buyers’ journey.

This segmentation requires a little extra effort, but the time spent is worth it.

Always include a Follow-up and Way to Reply or Engage

Send emails that ask for some feedback and a way to engage further or reengage your subscribers.

Invite them to social media pages or tell them to reply to the email. The replies you get can ensure the content you create is valuable and solves their problem.

So there you have four tips for establishing your relationship with your list members.

One of the biggest mistakes marketers make is to have people sign up on their email list – and then either sell, sell, sell, or ignore them entirely.

Let’s make it our purpose to treat our list with respect. We want to give them something of value – on a continuing basis.

As we do that, these “names” become friends and many of them will become partners on our marketing journey.