Okay. Okay. I know that you have lots of work to do sitting in that chair. Yet all of the experts tell us to get up and get moving.

Of all the things you can do to boost your mindset, exercise is near the top of the list. It not only improves your mindset but does so with relatively little mental “work” compared to most of the other methods you can employ.

So what are the top 5 benefits of exercise?

1.) Exercise Makes You Feel Good

Exercising causes your body to release feel-good hormones. Norepinephrine, Serotonin, and Dopamine are released in your brain to lift your mood, make you feel better physically, and make you more optimistic.

These hormones are noted for reducing depression, improving self-esteem, and increasing your confidence.

2.) Exercise Clears Your Mind

One of the greatest benefits of exercise is that it helps you clear your mind of distractions. It gives you something to think about other than your problems and your to-do list.

This “blank slate” effect both boosts your mood and temporarily improves your mindset.

3.) Exercise Reduces Stress Levels

Are you feeling stressed?

Go out and exercise. Working out physically burns stress chemicals out of your body, making you feel better and improving your mood and mindset.

Surprisingly, it doesn’t take a lot of exercise for the good effect. A brisk ten-minute walk is enough to do it.

4.) Exercise Improves Your Ability to Concentrate

The benefits of working out also extend to what you do afterward. Getting in a good workout improves your ability to concentrate on other tasks for several hours after you finish.

This makes you more productive and puts you in a better mood.

5.) Exercise Results in Better Sleep

All of the other benefits of exercise combine to create one more: better sleep.

Exercising results in improved sleep, both in quality and quantity. Getting enough good-quality sleep is one of the most important parts of improving your mindset.

Good sleep makes everything seem better and lack of it makes everyone grumpy.

Exercise has many important benefits other than its effects on mindset and personal development, of course.

It improves your health and longevity, just for starters.

But its effects on your mind shouldn’t be understated.

So start an exercise program. You decide what will work for you.

It’s not necessary to hire a personal trainer or join a gym to get these benefits. Start by walking a few days a week. Ten minutes is enough to start. Gradually increase your walks to 20 or 30 minutes and you’ll feel better in every possible way.

Get up and get moving in the way that works for you!

For more about Secrets of Happiness, check out this Done-For-You Content for you and your clients.