Let’s look at a different form of meditation from what most people think. Let’s look at Christian meditation. Meditating on words God has given you for your journey.

Joshua 1:8 This book of the Law (the Bible) shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you will be careful to do all that is written in it, for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have success.

Stop and think about this passage and think about what was going on.

The Israelites had been supernaturally delivered from Egypt after 400 years of slavery. Then they faltered, doubting God could take them into the Land He had promised, so they spent another 40 years wandering around in the wilderness.

The generation of doubters had died, and Joshua was leading the group now. They were getting ready to go into the promised land and take it, and they needed all the faith they could muster. They also needed for God to be with them – accomplishing supernatural things for them.

That’s when Joshua was told to keep his eyes on God’s Word. To meditate on it day and night. And to speak it.

That’s the true meditation God has ordained for us as Christians. He wants us to move forward with His blessings on our lives. As we keep His Word before us, our faith rises and our focus stays on our mission.

My husband has a novel teaching about this. One of the meanings of the word “meditate” is to guard as a lion does its prey. My husband says that we are to guard over the word God gives us in that way. Hovering over it, and looking for anything which would try to steal that word from us. It’s our word and no one can snatch it from us!

So what do I suggest?

Take your Bible and get in a quiet spot. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you words for your meditation. When He gives you special words, those are more significant to you than any other.

For starters, if you are Seeking Word about Your prosperity:

Deuteronomy 8:18 (NASB) But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you the power to make wealth that His covenant may be established.

II Corinthians 9:8  (NASB) And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.

Or Maybe it’s Your Children:

Deuteronomy 28:4 (NASB) Blessed shall be the offspring of your body.

Isaiah 54:13 (NASB) All of your sons (children) will be taught of the Lord; and the well-being of your sons will be great.

Or Your Health:

Exodus 15:26  (ASV) I am the God who heals you

Psalm 103:3 (NASB) He pardons all our iniquities and heals all our diseases.

These scriptures are just starting points. Get your Bible and sit with God in a quiet state. Think about His goodness and His love for you. Then ask Him to bring you word to meditate on.

Think about the Word you’ve chosen. Say it over and over out loud. Then think about it even as you ngo about your day. Allow God to build on that Word. This will increase your faith in what you are doing and your faith in God prospering you.

Meditating on the Word of God will change your life.