What Are Your Obstacles?
I am thinking back to a special August day in 2010. My husband and I had just celebrated the birth of a beautiful grandson, so I was already on an emotional high. And then as we arrived back home and saw the box on our porch, I could hardly contain the excitement.
My books had arrived! My very own books!
With trembling hands, I opened the box and saw my name staring back at me. My beautiful books. All the work I had put into this masterpiece (at least to me, it was a masterpiece) – had paid off.
It was done. My very own book ready to give and to sell. Ready to bring encouragement to those who read it. Ready to open new doors for me since now I was a published author.
I began to reflect. I had wanted to write this book for a long time – mulling over ideas for many years. Why had I waited so long to actually do it?
Many things had held me back from experiencing this moment.
There had been confusion. And overwhelm. How could I write a whole book? What if I didn’t have enough to say? Who would really want to read it? Would it cost too much? And on and on…
Obstacles of thought and emotions. Fear, anxiety, and overwhelm.
I just wasn’t sure that I could do it.
Do you relate to what I’m saying? Do you have obstacles of mind and emotions which hinder you from accomplishing what you want?
Let’s face it. Each of us has obstacles in our life’s journey.
Some of these are because of our environment, our health, or our unique circumstances. We may be dealing with sickness in ourselves or a close family member. We might be going through a major life change – such as a divorce or the death of someone close.
Sometimes demands are made on our time and energy by good seasons in our lives. We may have several small children who need an usual amount of attention. Or we may be getting married or starting an engaging career.
Yet when life is rolling along at a more even pace (if that ever really happens), we can still face obstacles in our minds. Our thoughts, our emotions, and our habits can cause us to stand still and not move forward.
We may occasionally dream about the “what if’s,” but we don’t take any steps toward accomplishing those dreams. We treat our lives as if we will either win the lottery – or not. The big moment will come, or it won’t.
And in the meantime, we remain idle without moving toward those dreams.
Well I have met many people who have a dream of writing a book. Maybe they have a great story concerning their own unique experiences. Perhaps they realize that a book would be just the thing to introduce Jesus to those who don’t know Him. cement their credibility in their field. Maybe they want to make some extra money from the book sales.
There are many reasons for writing a book.
Yet here is the truth: Many talk about it, but very few ever really get it done. They dream and they talk, but they never actually do it.
I understand this dilemma, because that’s the way I was for many years. I would think about it. I would even occasionally jot down a few notes. But I just couldn’t get over that unidentifiable roadblock. It just seemed too hard. Out of reach. I would put it aside and forget about it for awhile.
Well my day finally came, and what made that switch for me?
I began studying about self-publishing. I read books, attended seminars, and online webinars. Somehow, during that process, I gained courage and began the journey. One step at a time, I completed the trip and published my first book.
I realized that those who were writing their books were just like me – like you. If they could do it, then so could I.
Now several years later, I have more than 20 books published in paperback and on Kindle. Once I started the process, each one became easier.
Now my goal is to help others who were just like I was.
Maybe you are one of them.
If you have been thinking about writing your book but haven’t done it yet, then maybe overwhelm or confusion is holding you back.
In my series of 12 On Demand Webinars, Audios, Transcripts, Action Step Sheets, and Bonuses, I take you step by step through the process. Your Planning, Writing, Pre-marketing, Designing, and Publishing can be accomplished by you – just as they were by me. One step at a time – and it’s done.
Please check out the opportunity. At https://OurCBI.com. The world needs to hear from you.
And for a limited time, the entire course will be half price.
In the meantime, Keep on Soaring!