by Suellen | Meeting the Challenges, Vision and Goals
What’s the number one factor that determines whether someone succeeds at achieving a goal? Do you know?
Is it genetics? Luck?
What about skills or natural talent?
Hard work has to be in there somewhere, right?
How about networking and getting the right degree?
All of these factors are important, some more so than others, but none hold the number one spot.
So, what’s number one?
Mindset! That’s it! Research has shown that mindset is a better predictor of future success than every other factor you can consider, including hard work and natural talent.
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This is the case with every endeavor. Whether it’s graduating from high school, getting a promotion at work, buying a home, starting a business, or making it into a professional sports league, mindset is the most important determinant of success.
Do you remember the saying: If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you’re right?
Obviously, your mindset has to line up with your skills. Not everyone can be a pro-football player or a rocket scientist. There are natural skills involved.
Yet there are many who have the natural skills but who haven’t developed the mindset to believe in themselves.
Why is mindset so important? What makes it so important that it overrides many other factors which can influence success?
Mindset is what drives you, what motivates you, and what makes you get up to try again when you fail.
No one succeeds on the first try. No one, no matter how talented, gets where they want to be without some failures or setbacks. Those who don’t have the right mindset -who have a fixed mindset or a negative mindset -will give up well before they reach their goal.
They’ll conclude that whatever it was isn’t for them and move on to something else.
People who have a growth mindset will get up and try again. They’ll find another way to get where they want to go. They’ll work harder and smarter, get coaching, ask for help, and do whatever else they can to reach their goals. They see failure as an obstacle and a challenge, not a final verdict on whether or not they can get where they want to be.
Mindset gives you grit, determination, and stamina. It can keep you going when everything seems lost and hopeless. This is why mindset is the number one predictor of success. If you want to up your odds of achieving your goals, you must cultivate a growth mindset
by Suellen | Meeting the Challenges, Start Your Week With Purpose
This little-talked-about blessing is a lesson we can learn from Mary.
In Luke 1:26-38, the angel Gabriel came to Mary and told her of God’s plan for her to give birth to Jesus. of course, she’s shocked, but young Mary receives God’s plan. She says, “Behold the bondslave of the Lord. Be it done to me according to your Word.” (Luke 1:38 NASB)
Next she ran to her Aunt Elizabeth and shared her encounter. John leapt in Elizabeth’s womb, and she started to prophesy. Her final word was, “And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord.” (1:45)
Think about this a minute.
In both verses we see that Mary believed and received what God had spoken.
Elizabeth didn’t say she was blessed just because of the word spoken. She was blessed because she believed it!
The Bible is full of Words which the Lord has spoken to us, and sometimes special words seem to leap off of the page – as if they were there just for us! But it’s up to us to say, “Be it done to me according to God’s Word.” Or not.
All of those beautiful promises and directions can be like seeds which fall upon the rocks. They won’t produce.
When we, like Mary, receive and believe what God speaks to us, we are blessed. The seed of His Word falls on the good soil of our hearts and what He has spoken begins to produce in our lives.
It’s an amazing thing to see God’s word being performed like that.
Just thinking about this makes me want to dig in deeper than ever. I want this Christmas and 2021 to be my most believing days ever.
Don’t you?
It’s a good time for us to gather the words which have especially spoken to us and write them in a journal. Then read and meditate on them. Pray them. Think about them. And believe them.
When we do things God’s way, many blessings – and surprises – will follow.
And now may it be done to you according to God’s Word.
Keep on Soaring!
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by Suellen | Join the Mission, Reach the World,
Kindle afresh the flame. Stir Up the Gift. It’s time for awakening!
Last night the Holy Spirit woke me up at 3 am and spoke these words into my spirit. “Stir up the gift which is within you.”
He reminded me of earlier days…He reminded me of the days when there was rejoicing in the city by the many people who were turning to the Lord, getting saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit and shouting their newfound truth to the rooftops.
Do you remember days like that?
If you have been a spirit-filled believer for many years, you probably remember. You might have memories of the Healing Revival with Kenneth Hagin, Gordon Lindsay, Oral Roberts, and others. Or you might remember the great Teaching Revival with Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin. Or the early nineties with Rodney Howard Browne’s impact on our nation. Or Toronto. Or Brownsville. Or that special outpouring of God’s blessing in your church.
Since those times there have been Prayer and Prophetic Movements and there have been the rising up of true apostles with God-ordained strategies to take the land. All of these occurrences have been milestones in God’s plan — laying foundation and restoration one brick at a time. All working toward God’s goal of a worldwide kingdom.
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Now I sense the Spirit saying that it’s time for His plan to come together.
As I write this, I see a mountain with many tributaries, or streams, trickling down. Some are almost unnoticeable; others are racing down to near-river proportions. The important thing is that as they get closer to the bottom, they run together to create a strong, powerful river which forces its way through the surrounding landscape. Eventually, nothing can permanently stand in its way. Not even the rocks, which over time become smooth and re-formed by the power of the river.
This is a picture of God’s church. The Presence and the Plan of God flowing from the top of His Mighty Mountain. At first, there are many streams which emanate from the rain of His anointing. They are truly from Him. They originate with Him and they are designed by Him to bring forth their portion of His anointing.
As they proceed down His Mountain, something very interesting happens. They meet. They join forces and get stronger — and they continue — until all tributaries and streams become One Mighty River flowing to the sea.
This is the culmination of God’s plan. The many streams becoming One and working together for His Glory. The apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers unified and working together for His purpose. For His extravagant plan in the earth.
A few years ago, just as I awoke, I had an open vision. In the vision, I was up to my neck in a river, and I knew that it was the River of God. That Ezekiel 47 river. That has been one of my favorite passages for many years, so I knew where I was.
Yet I had always pictured God’s River as it appears in Revelation — as smooth as glass.
On this day, as I pondered what God was showing me, the river was anything but smooth. It was roaring and swirling — much like the ocean. I could even feel an undertow. There was such a power to this river that I had to tread water with every ounce of energy I could muster to keep my head above water. And still the force of the river was moving me down stream. He was showing me that when we are truly His, without holding anything back, His river will carry us to fulfill His plan in the earth.
So what am I saying? What does this river have to do with “stirring up the gifts?”
Our God has distributed many gifts in the earth — and we all have them. He hasn’t left anyone out. We are all a part of His plan and we all have a part to play in His next great move.
As we stir up those gifts which are within us, they will be different from some others we see, but they will be part of His plan. As we genuinely worship and praise Him, pray in the Holy Spirit, spend time in the Word, and listen to His leading, we will discover or confirm our gifts and we will grow in them.
Many people have unfulfilled prophecies which have been on the shelf for 20 years or more. It’s time to get those out and take them to prayer. Allow the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance what He has spoken to you in years past.
The time has come for many of those words to be fulfilled. As we contend for what God has spoken to us and over us, our part will come into focus.
Then, as we say, “Yes, Lord, I am willing,” we will sense the currents under us carrying us to our place in Him.
Remember, God’s Kingdom is huge and multifaceted.
As you gain confidence in your portion, you will be able to accomplish what He has placed on your heart. And please remember: there is no room for competition in His Kingdom. Only cooperation. If you are a prayer warrior, then pray for those with the evangelistic thrust to be able to break through the barriers they face. And if you are a teacher, then be thankful for the strategy-oriented apostles who can bring foundations of change. If you are an evangelist, then listen to the words of the true prophets who help establish your focus.
As all the gifts are being stirred up, God’s Mighty River will flow unabated. And get ready. We are about to see signs wonders of healing, salvation, and restoration coming all over the world. It’s upon us, and we are privileged to be chosen and gifted to be a part of God’s Mighty Plan in the earth at this time.
Yes. Get ready. “Stir up the gifts which are within you.”
And hang on for the ride!