Three Benefits of Mastering Email Funnels
As you know, I’m a writer, and love to write about inspirational topics.
So when I first started writing blog posts and emails, I would write – and that would be it. I had a sidebar with some offers – just a few – because I definitely didn’t want to be “spammy,”
And even though I spent quite a bit on training, my endeavor was costing me. Big time. Certainly not making much money.
Then one day i came to my senses and realized that I wasn’t going to ever make much money with my blog if I didn’t have anything to sell. (What was I expecting? Donations?)…
So I timidly dipped my toe into a few things. Bundle sales. A few offers. A little cash rolled in, but still not a lot.
Well several years have passed and I am much bolder now. In fact, this year my goal is to increase my boldness even more.
I would like to make money through several streams so that I can still offer a lot of free inspirational content. I want to impact lives.
And make money.
And help others do the same. Impact lives and make money.
So here’s the start.
Email marketing is the foundation of every successful online business I know. By mastering the art and the science of email mastery, you and I can increase our income many times over.
The key is learning to create effective email funnels, which will inspire our audiences enough for them to purchase or sign up for our products. (If you don’t exactly understand the concept, just hang on. We will explain).
In the next few blog posts, we are going to dig down deep into these funnels so that we can master them and optimize their effectiveness.
So here we go. How does this work? Just as a funnel can add oil to your car engine, online funnels can add people to your email list or cash to your bank account.
The first funnel we deal with is the sign up for your email. There is an opt-in which promises something in exchange for the email address. Once you have their information, you move to the next type of funnel. Through well-timed and targeted emails, you can offer products, courses, and affiliate sales.
These emails should be full of information to establish your authority and trust further.
Next you can lead your readers right out of the funnel to your landing page, and hopefully turn them into brand-new customers. Lastly, the funnel repeats, or the reader is thrown into a new funnel to further continue the process in the hopes of a repeat purchase.
The email marketing funnel never truly ends, as you should always be nurturing your readers and create new and interesting sequences to establish their loyalty.
So how can you make your email funnels powerful?
1. They Promise a Solution to a Problem
Your audience reads your emails because you provide some value for them. You solve a problem in the form of entertainment, education, comedy, or more. It all depends on your niche and why you are starting an email funnel campaign in the first place.
2. They Are Personal
While you may be sending the same email to many readers, that is not how they see it. It goes directly into their personal email, and frequently they are reading it alone. Even better, it is personalized to them. Making them feel special, important, and connected with your brand. Allowing you to provide more value and then more easily convert them into paying customers.
3. They Create Brand Awareness, Trust, and Credibility
Emails are another great way to provide your audience education and resources, further increasing your brand awareness, trust, and credibility. The more you communicate to your audience, the more they get to know you and trust your authority, especially through quality content that solves a problem.
As you can see, if you want to build a loyal audience while turning them into paying customers, then email marketing funnels are a must. In fact, if you are not convinced yet, then it’s important to let you know that many businesses often see a return of forty-eight dollars for every one dollar they spend on email marketing — making it by far one of the most affordable and easiest ways to market and boost your sales.
For a few weeks we will be taking steps to master email funnels, I hope that you will join us.
The next post will include Four Keys to Mastering Funnels.
In the meantime, Forever Upward!
P.S. If you want to participate in our 30 Day List Building Challenge, you can sign up Here.