A Little-Talked-About Christmas Blessing

A Little-Talked-About Christmas Blessing

This little-talked-about blessing is a lesson we can learn from Mary.

In Luke 1:26-38, the angel Gabriel came to Mary and told her of God’s plan for her to give birth to Jesus. of course, she’s shocked, but young Mary receives God’s plan. She says, “Behold the bondslave of the Lord. Be it done to me according to your Word.” (Luke 1:38 NASB)

Next she ran to her Aunt Elizabeth and shared her encounter. John leapt in Elizabeth’s womb, and she started to prophesy. Her final word was, “And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord.” (1:45)

Think about this a minute.

In both verses we see that Mary believed and received what God had spoken.

Elizabeth didn’t say she was blessed just because of the word spoken. She was blessed because she believed it!

The Bible is full of Words which the Lord has spoken to us, and sometimes special words seem to leap off of the page – as if they were there just for us!  But it’s up to us to say, “Be it done to me according to God’s Word.” Or not.

All of those beautiful promises and directions can be like seeds which fall upon the rocks. They won’t produce.

When we, like Mary, receive and believe what God speaks to us, we are blessed. The seed of His Word falls on the good soil of our hearts and what He has spoken begins to produce in our lives.

It’s an amazing thing to see God’s word being performed like that.

Just thinking about this makes me want to dig in deeper than ever. I want this Christmas and 2021 to be my most believing days ever.

Don’t you?

It’s a good time for us to gather the words which have especially spoken to us and write them in a journal. Then read and meditate on them. Pray them. Think about them. And believe them.

When we do things God’s way, many blessings – and surprises – will follow.

And now may it be done to you according to God’s Word.

Keep on Soaring!

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There Is a World to Reach

There Is a World to Reach

We have entered a new era, and it’s here whether we’re ready or not. A few years ago, I wrote my first book, and at the suggestion of some savvy people, started a blog to promote it.  Little did I know where this would take me.

As I roamed around the internet, looking for like-minded people, I found something very interesting.There are some really great Christian blogs, podcasts, etc. out there, but over all, we don’t have the representation we need – or that our Father wants. Sure, there are some Christian ministries, but we are greatly outnumbered. There are many voices out there, but relatively few Christian voices.

Our presence is sadly lacking.

I have continued to pursue my own presence online, and have learned a few things in the process.

First, I have learned (as you may have also) that the digital world has totally taken over our culture. Just as TV changed the lines of communication several decades ago, the internet and wireless devices now hold the keys to communication in our world. People in their 20’s and 30’s are not watching Christian TV; they are surfing the web – and usually on their phones or tablets.

Second, I have learned that mastering  the tools of the digital world is not as hard as you might think. There are so many software programs now which simplify the process. It’s often a matter of discovering which ones to try.

Third, in the process of learning, I have found some great instructors, who are eager to share what they know. Some people who have been online since the inception of the internet are more than generous in sharing how to get the job done. And the numbers of experts who are willing to share their information is growing by the day..

Fourth, I have learned that the internet is inexpensive compared to other means of communication. To my surprise, many applications are totally free.

I am convinced that God had the invention of the internet put into our hands at this moment in time for us Christians. I am convinced that the internet is here for us to reach the multitudes, worldwide. Let’s not miss this opportunity to saturate the web with God’s message and His presence.

Perhaps you already have a thriving blog or internet business. The rest of us could learn from you.

Or you might be saying, “I would like to, but I don’t even know how to start.”

There are plenty of people who would love to help you. 

Our new mission is to help you as a minister or lay person fulfill your purpose. We know that you have a message, and we want to help you get it out to the masses.

When you speak to your audiences in person, you can reach hundreds – or even thousands. When you go on TV or radio, you can increase your audience to millions. When you take your messages to the world wide web, you can reach hundreds of millions – and even billions. (Yes, I said, “billions!”) Digital technology can go into places which don’t have TV or radio.

God has provided this golden door of opportunity for us to reach the world, so let’s do this.  We hope you will join us in taking up this torch.

We have a world to reach.

We can do this!

Good News: You Don’t Have to Know-It-All

Good News: You Don’t Have to Know-It-All

Whew!! You don’t have to be a know-it-all!

It’s important to be an expert in your field when people are paying you for what you provide. I’m sure that you are very good at what you do or what you sell, but running a business is so much more than what you do and what you sell.

You are more effective when you are knowledgeable in related areas of your business.

And these related areas can cover a broad base.  That’s where PLR comes to the rescue.

It’s impossible for you to be the expert in every facet surrounding your business, so let other experts fill in for you.

PLR content comes in a wide variety of types. Audio, video, and written content on anything you can imagine… Yes, there’s PLR for that. That means you don’t have to be a know-it-all to run your business and do what is right.

Using PLR makes it possible for you to share important and timely content with your audience without having to do research and invest time and money into writing content. PLR is a great way to expand on what you offer as well as drill down deeper and add value to whatever you already provide.

Let’s look at an example:

You sell products to Homeschooling Moms and Dads. And you really know your stuff.

But think about how your customers can benefit when you provide related materials as well. Such as:

  • Emotional aspects of Homeschooling
  • How to organize your school day more effectively
  • Dealing with different learning styles
  • A 30-Day challenge for increasing math skills
  • An eBook filled with advice from other homeschooling mothers
  • A video series about preparing your children for college
  • Exercises to keep children fit
  • And more


In this case, you don’t have to be a know-it-all about psychology, time management, health, or even education. Yet you can impact your audience with valuable information thanks to PLR.

You can arrange this content in whatever manner helps your audience best. Use the content as a freebie or use it as part of an exclusive membership that gives extra advice for those willing to pay a small premium each month. You can choose the best way to share the information in a way that educates and creates income.

Let the content creators be your experts and you can glean the best topics and delivery systems for your audience. Your status as a know-it-all will expand with the offerings you make to your tribe while you save time and money providing excellent content for your site.





Make Your PLR Work for You

Make Your PLR Work for You

One of the greatest benefits of using PLR is that you buy it, and it’s your own.

Remember: It’s as if you have a staff of writers who have submitted a draft to you. You can literally do anything that you want with this piece of material.

You can take out your “red pen” and strike through items, change wording, and insert some of your episodes. All of that together makes the article yours. You give it your very own voice..

Lots of PLR content is authored by experts in specific fields who write in general ways to make the content widely usable. From a six-thousand-word eBook to a series of blog posts, PLR content strives to reach a wide audience.

As a PLR user, your audience is narrow and focused, which means you probably want to customize your PLR and give it your voice. But this takes a minuscule amount of time compared to researching and writing from scratch.

Pay attention to the suggested uses

A lot of PLR is generated with a specific use in mind. Pay attention to the suggestions and instructions given by the author to use the PLR to its fullest potential. Your PLR packet will have suggested uses for your PLR .

There are so many ways to use your PLR. When you purchase your packet, look for some unique ways to use it.

Some PLR companies offer support via social media groups where you can be a part of a community using PLR. Groups have great collaboration and share ideas for great ways to use PLR that you may not have thought of on your own.

I like to establish a system which gets the most use out of my PLR. When you have a routine, it’s quick and easy to bap, bap, bap your uses, and not take a long time.

My system changes from time to time, but one such system goes like this:

  • Post a new post to my blog.
  • Post the feature image to Twitter, which links back to the blog.
  • Post the same article to LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • Post the image to Pinterest – and sometimes, Instagram.
  • The blog automatically posts to my Amazon Author Page
  • Sometimes i send out emails which link back to my blog post.

Now this bap, bap, bap method is done in less time than you can imagine.

When you have your article written and ready to go, you can easily see that many uses of the same material will get you noticed out in that cyber world.

Stick with providers you love

Now let’s be honest. There is PLR, and then there is PLR!!

I have been blogging for awhile now, and I have purchased from many different vendors. Sometimes a wow sales page and lots of promises wind up with lousy material. When that happens to me, I make a note to never purchase form that source again.

Yet there are some vendors who do a terrific job. In fact, when you purchase these products, you don’t even want to make many changes. They are like something you would have written. Great grammar, wording, and tone. You love the voice or style of this PLR provider.

When you find such a provider, stick with them. If they offer a membership or an easy way to get their content – join. By sticking with a few providers, you’ll be sure that your content will have similar style and consistency. You’ll spend less time editing, and more time developing other areas of your business.

Re-use, recycle, and repurpose

Content, in general, can be used in many ways. Don’t think of PLR as once and done content. You can modify and re-use it over and over again. Making tweaks here and there allows you to keep the content fresh. This means your investment goes even farther than it would with single-use.

You might want to combine individual posts to make an e-book.

Or, what about this?

Record a podcast episode. Or broadcast a video presentation.

Well-written information can be used in many different ways. (Your brainstorming might come up with some ideas no one else has thought about).

So there you have it. Three more tips for successful PLR use.

The main thing is to plunge in. Find a PLR provider you like, and start the journey.

There’s a sea of knowledge out there. We just have to go find it.

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Kindle the Flame Within You

Kindle the Flame Within You

Kindle afresh the flame. Stir Up the Gift. It’s time for awakening!

Last night the Holy Spirit woke me up at 3 am and spoke these words into my spirit. “Stir up the gift which is within you.”

He reminded me of earlier days…He reminded me of the days when there was rejoicing in the city by the many people who were turning to the Lord, getting saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit and shouting their newfound truth to the rooftops.

Do you remember days like that?

If you have been a spirit-filled believer for many years, you probably remember. You might have memories of the Healing Revival with Kenneth Hagin, Gordon Lindsay, Oral Roberts, and others. Or you might remember the great Teaching Revival with Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin. Or the early nineties with Rodney Howard Browne’s impact on our nation. Or Toronto. Or Brownsville. Or that special outpouring of God’s blessing in your church.

Since those times there have been Prayer and Prophetic Movements and there have been the rising up of true apostles with God-ordained strategies to take the land. All of these occurrences have been milestones in God’s plan — laying foundation and restoration one brick at a time. All working toward God’s goal of a worldwide kingdom.

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Now I sense the Spirit saying that it’s time for His plan to come together.

As I write this, I see a mountain with many tributaries, or streams, trickling down. Some are almost unnoticeable; others are racing down to near-river proportions. The important thing is that as they get closer to the bottom, they run together to create a strong, powerful river which forces its way through the surrounding landscape. Eventually, nothing can permanently stand in its way. Not even the rocks, which over time become smooth and re-formed by the power of the river.

This is a picture of God’s church. The Presence and the Plan of God flowing from the top of His Mighty Mountain. At first, there are many streams which emanate from the rain of His anointing. They are truly from Him. They originate with Him and they are designed by Him to bring forth their portion of His anointing.

As they proceed down His Mountain, something very interesting happens. They meet. They join forces and get stronger — and they continue — until all tributaries and streams become One Mighty River flowing to the sea.

This is the culmination of God’s plan. The many streams becoming One and working together for His Glory. The apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers unified and working together for His purpose. For His extravagant plan in the earth.

A few years ago, just as I awoke, I had an open vision. In the vision, I was up to my neck in a river, and I knew that it was the River of God. That Ezekiel 47 river. That has been one of my favorite passages for many years, so I knew where I was.

Yet I had always pictured God’s River as it appears in Revelation — as smooth as glass.

On this day, as I pondered what God was showing me, the river was anything but smooth. It was roaring and swirling — much like the ocean. I could even feel an undertow. There was such a power to this river that I had to tread water with every ounce of energy I could muster to keep my head above water. And still the force of the river was moving me down stream. He was showing me that when we are truly His, without holding anything back, His river will carry us to fulfill His plan in the earth.

So what am I saying? What does this river have to do with “stirring up the gifts?”

Our God has distributed many gifts in the earth — and we all have them. He hasn’t left anyone out. We are all a part of His plan and we all have a part to play in His next great move.

As we stir up those gifts which are within us, they will be different from some others we see, but they will be part of His plan. As we genuinely worship and praise Him, pray in the Holy Spirit, spend time in the Word, and listen to His leading, we will discover or confirm our gifts and we will grow in them.

Many people have unfulfilled prophecies which have been on the shelf for 20 years or more. It’s time to get those out and take them to prayer. Allow the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance what He has spoken to you in years past.

The time has come for many of those words to be fulfilled. As we contend for what God has spoken to us and over us, our part will come into focus.

Then, as we say, “Yes, Lord, I am willing,” we will sense the currents under us carrying us to our place in Him.

Remember, God’s Kingdom is huge and multifaceted.

As you gain confidence in your portion, you will be able to accomplish what He has placed on your heart. And please remember: there is no room for competition in His Kingdom. Only cooperation. If you are a prayer warrior, then pray for those with the evangelistic thrust to be able to break through the barriers they face. And if you are a teacher, then be thankful for the strategy-oriented apostles who can bring foundations of change. If you are an evangelist, then listen to the words of the true prophets who help establish your focus.

As all the gifts are being stirred up, God’s Mighty River will flow unabated. And get ready. We are about to see signs wonders of healing, salvation, and restoration coming all over the world. It’s upon us, and we are privileged to be chosen and gifted to be a part of God’s Mighty Plan in the earth at this time.

Yes. Get ready. “Stir up the gifts which are within you.”

And hang on for the ride!