by Suellen | Meeting the Challenges, Writing a Book
Now Could Be Your Time
I hope you are coping well during this chaotic time. There is a lot of fear and anxiety out there.
However. For those of us who know our God, it can be a time for us to grow in our faith. As we spend time with Him and His Word (the Bible), we can find a peace which passes all understanding rising up within us.
Time with God can quieten our nerves. And we can come out of this crazy episode with greater confidence than ever before.
This can also be a time for great productivity!
How, you say?
Let me explain.
In 2009 my husband’s mother came to live with us. She was a delightful person, and we loved having her.
However, there was one catch. Because of her health condition, Mom couldn’t be left alone. Someone had to be with her at all times.
A good portion of the time, I was that person.
As a Type A person, just “hanging out,” was never my first choice.
So I started thinking.
What could I do during this time?
For many years, I had thought about writing a book. But I just hadn’t had the confidence – or the time, to do it. So that was one thing I left on the shelf.
Soon I began to realize that this was the perfect time to write that book!
I bought a book on self-publishing, and I began to learn. Then I began to do what I had learned.
That’s when I wrote my first book. Forever Upward: A Mother’s Journey Through Prayer.
Since that time, I have written more than 20 books which are in paperback and on Kindle.
But that was the start.
That time when I was required to spend a lot of time at home turned out to be the start of a new career for me.
As I think about what is happening right now, I am reminded of that moment in my life.
The time at home became a turning point for me.
If you are having to spend lots of time at home, this could be your turning point.
This could be the time you decide to start your online business. Or start your blog.
Or write your book.
If you are thinking about writing your book, I think you’ll love my online course. It’s a step-by-step approach which eliminates the overwhelm connected with a big project.
It’s Time For You To Write That Book 2.0.
- It starts with your mindset and organizing your book.
- Then goes on to some writing tips.
- How to make time for your project.
- Some info about how you can plump up your topic and make it more interesting. (With free resources).
- How to format your book in MS Word.
- Then how to upload it to Amazon for worldwide sales.
- Also a few tips on early marketing.
- Plus lots of bonuses.
You can purchase the course in Video, Audio, and Transcript form. Along with bonuses.
Or just Audio and Transcripts.
Or just the transcripts.
All of the packages have bonuses.
I think that you will be glad that you “used your time wisely.” Your kindergarten teacher will certainly give you kudos.
The time factor is one blessing we have on hand right now.
And it could be life-changing for you!
With the right focus and determination, this could be a turning point moment – for the better.
Take a look HERE.
Stay safe and Keep on Soaring!
by Suellen | Start Your Week With Purpose, Success
It’s the start of a new week. Do you have a “Start Your Week Off Right” routine?
I can’t say that I always have.
I like to begin each day with coffee and the Bible. But I haven’t always taken the time to think about my focus for a week. Another week dedicated to my God, my family, and my special assignment from my Creator.
That’s what life is, you know. Your life is your special assignment from God. Nobody looks just like you. Or thinks just like you. Or has gifts and desires just like you.
You are different. You are one of a kind. A masterpiece. Even when you are in a crowd of people, there’s no one quite like you.
by Suellen | Meeting the Challenges, Writing a Book
Do You Have Enough to Say for a Book?
When working with writers, I hear about all sorts of obstacles. Not enough confidence. Not enough time.
One of the biggest is “Not enough to say.”
Sometimes people will begin to write a book and spill everything they can think of onto a page, only to find that all of their thoughts amount to just a short amount of writing.
Then discouragement sets in and the familiar lament, “I don’t have enough to say to write a book.”
This is a common problem, and one which most writers face.
Often the issue is that famous “writer’s block.” There are tons of techniques for getting over this hump.
On other occasions, the writer truly doesn’t know enough to say. The standstill is real.
That’s why one of my webinars in It’s Time For You To Write That Book 2.0 is dedicated to research and information.
When you are writing your book, you don’t have to be the origin of every idea you include. As long as you give credit, your book actually has more significance when you include quotes and thoughts from other writers. That’s actually a plus and not a minus.
And also there is that wonderful world of Private Label Rights and Public Domain. These are books, articles, photos, and other items which you are free to use as if they were your very own.
The rights differ from item to item, but often you can – and even are encouraged to- change them. You can add your voice and put these pieces into the context of your book. There are e-books available which can be edited and included in your portfolio.
I love talking about this, because it’s truly a treasure trove for authors. Even if you are the top authority in your field, your expertise is enhanced by the expertise of others.
So if you have thought that you didn’t know enough to write your book, you’ll get some good ideas from my On Demand Course. For a short time, the entire course with videos, audios, transcripts, and lots of bonuses can be obtained at At almost half price.
I hope you check it out. Your book is important for establishing your credibility, and others will be inspired and encouraged by what you have to say!
We’ll talk soon.
In the meantime, Keep on Soaring!
by Suellen | Meeting the Challenges, Writing a Book
There’s just Not Enough Time!
I have to say, this has been my lament in many situations.
Of course, we know the adage that “everyone has the same 24 hours.” But that adage didn’t make any difference when I was attempting to get more done.
With a church to oversee. Children and grandchildren. Serving on City Council. Other community activities. And on and on.
Then I read Stephen Covey’s book again. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Do you remember the chapter about the rocks in a jar?
First, you have a pile of rocks of many different sizes and you fill the jar the best way you can. Many rocks get left out. They just won’t fit. There’s not enough room.
Then you try a different approach.
You put in the big rocks first. Then the middle sized ones. Finally you can fill in the crevices with the tiny rocks and pebbles.
Covey was linking this demonstration with time management. There are those big things, which require most of our time. The nine-to-five job. The running of the house. Childcare. Church work. Daily devotions.
Next come the middle sized time demands. Personal care. Doctor and dentist appointments. Volunteering at your child’s school carnival.
Then there are those little items. Leave dog at vet. Drop off cleaning. Write a quick note to teacher. You know those tiny time consumers which can overwhelm your day if you let them.
So Covey recommends that you take out your calendar and insert the large items first. Then the middle-sized. After those bigger plans are marked out on your calendar, it will be surprising how much vacant space you will see.
This Covey suggestion is what I like to use.
All those tiny time consumers can be put on a list. You have 10 minutes while you are waiting for your child? Pull out an item from your list and whip it off quickly. A phone call. A note. Paying a bill. Making a grocery list or planning a meal.
It’s amazing what can be done with proper planning.
But this is the best part: When you plan your time in this way, there will still be some blank spots on your calendar.
Those are the times you can use to take on some long term projects. Those things you don’t think you have time for right now.
That, in fact is how I wrote and published my first book.
After years of feeling inadequate and too busy to write, I marked my calendar and found some time. Maybe an hour here. Two hours there.
It’s amazing what concentration and commitment will do for us.
Those smaller moments add up, and soon the project is completed. That “wow” moment when it’s done!
The excitement of completing that first book was worth all of the effort I had put into finding the time. All of the organization and planning. That first book was worth whatever-it-took to do it! I was a published author!
Now I have to say that there are other ways of establishing time for a project. That’s why I devoted a whole webinar in my course “It’s Time For You To Write That Book, 2.0” to The Time Factor. I discuss the Big rock/little rock method. I also discuss some other approaches.
Everyone is different. Even though this Covey idea suits me, not everyone thinks or works in that fashion.
But there are other ways of getting the job done. Other plans for finding or making the time for long term projects you want to do.
Plans which will help you to write your book. To make that lasting impact you want to make.
Be blessed. And remember to Keep on Soaring!
by Suellen | Meeting the Challenges, Success
Do Your Customers Trust You?
It’s a well-known fact that people like to do business with people that they know, like, and trust.
So every now and then we have to take a personal inventory. How do we measure up?
When I think about this concept, I almost break out into laughter, because I am reminded of one of my favorite all-time businesses.
Are you ready?
A tire store. Mac’s Tire Store in Tupelo, Mississippi. Let me tell you about that store.
You may have heard that my husband and I lived in Mississippi for about 25 years. We had some wonderful times while there, and I loved the area.
However, there were a couple of times when I would suddenly find my tire low in air, and I wouldn’t know what to do about it. (It seemed that Mickey was out of town or in a business meeting when those times came).Could it be fixed easily, or was it serious? I certainly didn’t know.
So I would take my car to Mac’s and confidently wait with my cup of coffee in hand and a pleasant magazine to browse.
I was confident because I knew these people. Their service would be quick and first rate. They would do a good job, and they woudn’t try to sell me something that I didn’t need. In fact, once I went in thinking that we needed new tires and they talked me out of it!
Now that’s my kind of a store!
It’s funny because I don’t even care about cars. Much less tires. But when I was in trouble, I knew these people would help me. They came to my rescue, and I was incredibly grateful.
The kind of trust that Mac’s had with me (and others), didn’t come over night. They had worked at building their business on a strong foundation of integrity and friendliness. They knew that most people think of tires as an unpleasant necessity, and so they worked at making the experience at their store to be the best it could be.
Have you thought about this element in your business lately? I have. Every now and then, I like to take a step back and look at this issue. How trustworthy do my customers see me?
I think that this is even more important for online businesses. Since people can’t see us and talk with us face to face, it’s even more important to convince them that they can trust the products and courses they buy from us. They need to know that we understand their needs and concerns and help them meet those needs.
I’m determined to build my own business around the same concepts which made Mac’s so great.
The following points to improve your trust ranking and build better relationships in your business. They can also be used to regain trust too.
- Understanding and Empathy – try to look for things that you have in common with people and then build trust from there.
- Being Honest and Open – don’t be scared to show your true emotions and viewpoints. Of course be receptive to other people’s opinions too.
- Be Genuine – show people that you care.
- Have Respect – you need to respect yourself and others and treat people as equal. Do not blame or criticize anyone or make them feel guilty.
- Listening – really pay attention to what someone is saying and demonstrate that you understand them. All it takes is a quick nod in agreement to achieve this and trust will quickly build.
- Best Interests – learn how to take other people’s interests into account, not just your own. Look for solutions so that everyone becomes a winner.
- Being Reliable – when you promise to do something, follow through and get the task done. Don’t make promises that you have no intention of keeping.
Think about how you can take these principles and apply them to your business practices. If you promised to look into something for a customer, actually follow through and do so. Even if you don’t locate what it was they were looking for, at least you made the effort and tried. This will no doubt be totally appreciated by them and helps build trust and respect.
Sometimes mistakes happen or you sell or refer a product that isn’t suitable. When this happens be honest and tell your customers or clients that you made a mistake. This helps demonstrate solid business practices along with trust.
If you truly want to run a business with honesty, integrity and trust then take steps to build relationships with everyone you meet on a day to day. Be personable. Open.
One of the best ways to build trust is to write a book. Share your life. Your stories. Your point of view.
For material to help you get started, check this out.
In the meantime, Keep on Soaring!